Torrington Stories

Torrington and World War I at the Torrington, Historical Society


There is an extraordinary exhibit that will open this Saturday 7/28/2018 and is entitled “All Hands on Deck: Torrington and World War I”.

On Saturday July 28th there will be a special exhibit opening celebration from 2pm to 7pm. The public is invited and it is free admission on this day.

The exhibit features photographs, artifacts and a complete list of Torrington WWI veterans. This exhibit is open from 2pm-5pm

From 2-5pm there will be re-enactors 26th Yankee Division who are bringing a WWI ambulance and a WWI rolling field kitchen. They will use the wood fired field kitchen to make doughnuts and later in the day they will boil ears of corn and both will be distributed for free.   They will also display WWI gear and weapons.

Additionally from 2-5pm there will be tours of the WWI grave sites in Center Cemetery.
From 4-5pm visitors can enjoy the music of World War I performed by Rick Spencer and  Dawn Indermuehle.
From 5-6 visitors who bring their own picnic basket can enjoy a picnic on the grounds of the Historical Society garden.
Finally the key note speaker will be Ed Bearss (Chief Historian Emeritus National Park Service) from 6-7pm who will discuss the 26th Yankee Division.
There will be youth activities during the day including planting a home garden and making an origami gold star and writing on it the name of a veteran who died in service during WWI.
The history exhibit which will run until November 11 and will feature uniforms, personal gear, posters and photos of Torrington WWI veterans. The centerpiece of the exhibit is a list of the nearly 1400 Torrington men and women who served in WWI.
The exhibit will also include a video of the welcome home parade held in Torrington during May 1919 and a short film about Paul Maynard who hailed from Torrington and who was killed in action on the day the war ended, Nov. 11, 1918.
For more information check out the Torrington Historical Society on facebook or on their website.

Categories: Torrington Stories

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